flutterby's by Scott Graham Alright. This is my last minute (last second?) entry to Operation 3Dfx's screen saver contest. It's a bunch of butterfly's flying around in a clearing in a forest. At least that was the original idea. After having a bum CD-rom, no GUS drivers for NT, Corel (real work) deadlines, and some stupidity on my part, amongst other things, it didn't end up being nearly as cool as I had planned. I started from scratch, using Glide only, so I wrote pretty much a whole 3d engine (other than rasterization :). But as the deadline approached, it became clear that even if I didn't sleep for the last week I wouldn't be able to enter anything. So this version uses Mesa (a GL-alike), with the 3Dfx add-on. You can get it on, um, the web. (multiple indirection from www.opengl.org) Anyway 90% of this ended up being written in the last 2 days. Don't tell Sander (the organizer) ;). The data files (I didn't even put them in a wad; doh!): tree and bfly are raw's (long width, long height, width*height*3 => R, G, B) and the ground tex is a fairly standard .RGB (which you will be able to deduce from image.cpp if you don't know of it) There's [probably] lots of legacy code in the src.zip. It's the directory I was working in at the time that I finally had to zip and ul it (or I would have missed the deadline) and I'm generally a untidy person. For example, the mpeg3 stuff works perfectly (amp derivative. only obj's incl. but src is available), other than the call needs to be moved into a _beginthread, and the eco-relaxing-birds chirping mp3 that was in the src directory was accidentally deleted, and I didn't have the hour to regrab off CD/reencode it. The spline stuff (cam.h) was also used to generate a stream of flowing blue polygons, but I never got it completely working with this version (so it's not in). The shadows (although sort of in there) are really broken. Oh, and I had planned to do the screensaver part of it right at the end, but well, I didn't make it. It's a Win32 console app right now, which really is not satisfactory for a win32 screensaver. And I haven't even tested it under Win95 (which I don't have) which is supposed to be the main target. Oh, and the source is disgusting looking. Basically, it's unfortunately lacking more than a little polish... which is really all there is to demos. Oh well, enough caveats. Maybe someone can get something out of the source which would be cool. Peace ps. Everyone should use OpenGL, Vim, and Java! (in their respective categories) pps. Vote for me even though you've read all this messyness! =) ppps. to build: Change the path in 'makefile' to point to MSVC Change the mesa lib path to point to the mesa libs type 'nmake' and all should be well This assumes vc42 and glide have been installed properly and maybe some other things I can't think of. Good luck with anything else. To build Mesa w/ 3Dfx, you'll need to get the Mesa dist and then do something like MESAFX.bat in the root mesa dir. good luck with that too.